New online consulation sessions on Beyond Mystic!

I now offer SOUL PATH ATTUNEMENT sessions through the Beyond Mystic platform on the following link:

In this personalized coaching & healing session, I will assist you in taking a deep look at any issues you want to address and look at them from the spiritual higher perspective… How can you deal with the challenges in your life in a way that serves the soul you are? What do you need in this moment? What are your strong points? What is in alignment for you at the soul level?

In this session we will focus on the deeper underlying factor that is the driving force in your life, which is your personal growth & your empowerment as a human being and as a soul. We shift the energy so a problem can start to solve itself. 

The sessions usually consist of 30 minutes of coaching and 30 minutes of energy healing, although that can vary according to how the session organically unfolds.


New show on Beyond Mystic!