"I only focus on the light"

I have heard this phrase so many times when you bring up subjects that expose corruption, conspiracy, etc... in society. Especially from people who consider themselves spiritual. Hidden in this message is, a lot of times, a subtle judgement in the sense of "don't focus on the negative, it's not good". As if you somehow get tainted when you talk about these subjects.

Some spiritual people are really avoidant of these themes of corruption. They don't wanna focus on it. If that's there choice, that's ok. But don't get judgemental and critique people who do, with saying "I only focus on the light". As if you reside in a higher and finer "vibration" because you do not do that.

In these times there are all kinds of light workers needed. Those who only focus on the light, and those who expose dark subject and those who do a mix of the two. Both are equally valuable and not one is inherently "less worthy" than the other.

I would say especially in these times the lightworkers who expose dark subjects are really needed, because the global fascist illuminati are coming in full force and people need to wake up. And the people who focus on the light are needed to anchor in the light energies in a world of transformation. Ironically, most people who conciously do work to achor in light energies for a world in transformation, know quite a bit about conspiracy. And there are those that do both.

You could say a light worker is someone who focuses mostly on the light and a light warrior is someone who focuses mostly on exposing the shadow and activism against the attempted fascist/technological takeover of society and humanity.

Light workers and light warriors have been found in all ages. Incarnating with a specific missions to keep balance or tip the scales. The energy of the light warrior stands for truth, light, freedom coming from a sense of universel "rightness" and balance. It is to serve the light. Wherever the dark forces threathen to overtake totally, the light forces get into action.

What we are seeing now on the planet is the greatest "showdown" between light and dark since long. The attempted takeover of humanity, by the dark forces, through the virus scare, is in full swing. But light workers and light warriors are standing up everywhere.

In the end, is not only about light workers and light warriors, these souls that come in with a specific mission of doing that work. It is about all humanity. Humanity is waking up in greater numbers to the bigger reality it lives in. It is opening up its vision to a greater reality. And yes, that vision includes the dark forces who are intent on control. But it also includes awareness of it's divine nature and the immortality of the soul. And mostly of all, it opens up to the awareness of the existence of unconditional universal love, which is the birhtright of every soul.

As humanity awakes from it's slumber a new age is dawning. An age in which humanity steps out the the little box it lived in, and connects with the bigger multidimensional reality it exists in. A time where humanity will connect with its brothers and sisters from other planets and dimensions. A time where the light of higher dimensions, the light of truth and love will permeate society.


Spirituality and conspiracy