Spirituality and conspiracy

I have been noticing a trend in the last decade, some people in the spiritual field want to have nothing to do with conspiracy. They consider it "dark" and only want to focus on love and light. While I agree it is most important to do that, I believe we can't ignore the shadow, not within ourselves and not on societal levels. And now that shadow is right in our face with lockdowns all over the world and the curtailing of free movement, social contact, and the rampant fear that is instigated though social media.

Likewise, those people who are only in the conspiracy world sometimes considered the people in the spiritual world too light and fluffy. Some conspiracy people don't focus on the love and light and don't cultivate that within themselves. There are of course excesses in either field. Some "conspiracy researchers" are into fear porn, and some "spiritual" people are using love and light and feeling good to cop out of real and pressing issues, both with themselves and society. And there is a whole range in between.

I believe these times, both sides will learn from each other. People in the spiritual world will learn more about the value of discernment, especially when it concerns our so-called "leaders". Because a lot of good intentioned spiritual people are still naive and have faith in our "leaders". People in the conspiracy world will learn more about the value of holding a focus of love within their consciousness, and open their hearts. Both sides will pollinate each other.

It's time to let go of judgement. In the greater scheme of things, everyone is valuable, and every role needs to be played. We can't judge others because they expose dark subjects, that is the role they chose to play, and it is valuable. Likewise, they who make the choice to only focus on love and light within their work have their important role to play too. Some do both. Some do a little bit of either, etc. So let's not judge each other. The universal spirit doesn't judge, and no one is more valuable than anyone else in the greater scheme of things.

We don't know the people personally. Some people who claim to be spiritual are actually totally into their ego. And some people who expose dark subject might have a real loving heart. Always be discerning and follow your feelings and intuition.

In these times, the dark rulers show their true face. Love is needed more than ever for the collective, And discernment is needed for those who still believe that there is no agenda behind the things that happening right now in the world.

We need a love that can stand in the face of darkness, that shines bright and is not diminished by fear.


The smile of the Buddha


"I only focus on the light"