The smile of the Buddha

These times it can be quite intense for awake people. We see the dark plan of the elite advancing everywhere, freedoms are being taken away, a digital control society is erected by the minute, wars are being waged, medical interventions were pushed through with devastating consequences,…. It doesn’t seem to end. Transhumanism will also come to the fore more, and it is an attempt at the invasion of the human body and consciousness.

However, the dark forces behind the scenes have always been present. In these times, as humanity goes through a transformation, as a new cycle for the earth and humanity comes into effect, this darkness becomes very visible. Everything that was hidden is coming to the surface and showing itself.

We must not forget to have faith in the light. Trust in the fact that we are not alone. Through mainstream and social media, we get a wrong perception. At this time, a lot of souls, light workers and light warriors, have incarnated on Earth to shift the balance and help the manifestation of a higher timeline. This combined light is not in your face like the actions of the dark forces, but it is present as an invisible but powerful force contributing to the collective. Millions of souls are present to add their light to the collective field. This time of transition was foreseen, and many souls have accepted the invitation to contribute to the transformation process humanity is going through. Some are actively working, others are just keeping their light in the collective field and everyone has their own role to play.

We must keep our focus on knowing and trusting that this light force is also present. Yes, we do experience challenging times, but know that the forces of light are also actively present. It is not all doom and gloom, contrary to what those dark forces that want to control humanity would have us believe.

We can connect with this light by centering ourselves. Putting aside for a moment the hectic nature of these turbulent times and connecting with our inner light. Every human being has an inner light within, an inner strength and inner wisdom that can be accessed and felt through intention, calmness and a quiet mind.

This is symbolized by the smile of the Buddha who is in meditation. The smile of the Buddha symbolizes the connection with the inner light, the inner joy that arises when you connect with the divine within yourself. The smile of the Buddha is the outward physical expression in this earthly world of the connection with the light and the experience of joy it brings. This smile is an indication of how we can inwardly connect with a light that is not of this world, but in which we all have our essence, our source.

When we feel bad about the state of the world, it is good to seek balance by connecting with our inner light. Connect with that source of light within yourself to create balance within yourself, because the yearning for balance is present in every soul.

The Buddha's smile can be experienced even in these turbulent times. True mastery is experiencing the light not only in the easiest of circumstances, but to be the eye of the storm in a world in transition, and bring the higher light into this earthly dimension. A win-win, for yourself, and the collective.

We are children of light, and let us always remember our light.


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Spirituality and conspiracy